美国肥胖率 楼主  阅读:185  回复:1
发布于:2018/6/19 18:55:08

   Us adults over the age of 15 are the world's fattest nation with an obesity rate of 38.2 per cent, according to a new OECD survey. The OECD found that in most of the world, women have higher rates of obesity than men, even though the rate of obesity among men is rising rapidly. Education is a factor in preventing obesity, and the OECD found that women with lower education levels were two to three times more likely to be overweight than those with higher education levels.

   The survey also found that obese people have less job prospects than their lighter counterparts, with an average income 10 percent lower. Productivity is also lower, working fewer hours than others and taking more sick days.

   So obesity is a serious health problem, we should not ignored it.

Blog comment
回复时间:2022/5/19 15:43:15 楼层:1
Obesity has been on the rise in recent years, and this trend is having an impact on the job market. Employers are increasingly reluctant to hire obese applicants, and those who are already employed are finding it more difficult to advance in their careers. The reason for this is that obesity is seen as a sign of poor health, and employers believe that obese workers will have more sick days and be less productive. In addition, obesity is expensive, and employers are often required to provide special accommodations for obese workers, such as larger chairs or office equipment. As a result, obesity can have a negative impact on both individual workers and the workforce as a whole.
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